Eliminating trachoma

Discover how communities and experts are joining together to end trachoma disease across 42 endemic countries by the year 2020. This course is aimed at the personnel implementing and managing trachoma programmes at a district and community level. It provides insights from stakeholders, experts and professionals as they share their experiences of their successes and challenges of eliminating blinding trachoma.

Week 1: The challenge of trachoma

Click to see week 1 content

Welcome to the course 

A welcome to the course from the teaching team and an initial opportunity to introduce yourself. Activities look at how we define and diagnose trachoma eye disease.


Where is trachoma?

Global map of endemic trachomaLearn the magnitude, distribution, and causes of trachoma eye disease.

What can we do?

Using a smartphone to collect trachoma mapping dataHow we collect trachoma mapping data at the local level and use it to guide elimination activities.
Image: Sightsavers CC BY-NC-SA 



Week 2 : Action for trachoma: S is for surgery

Click to see week 2 content


Reaching trichiasis patients

 Community members

What is trichiasis? How can we reach trichiasis patients? And how do we assess and counsel patients once we find them? Image © Lance Bellers / LSHTM CC BY-NC

Trichiasis surgery in the community

Trichiasis surgery in the community

Explore how to plan, organise and deliver high quality trichiasis surgery in the community as part of a trachoma elimination programme.                               Image © Carter Center CC BY-NC-SA

Managing the coverage and quality of trichiasis surgery

Taking screening into the community with referral to the hospital for treatment

What techniques can we use to address the need and keep quality high in our trichiasis surgical services?




Week 3 : Action for trachoma: A is for Antibiotics

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Taking antibiotics to the community

Distribution of azithromycin in the community. Image:  Elizabeth Kurylo/ITI CC BY-NC. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

Discover the partnerships between health services that are essential to support each person with diabetes and coordinate their long-term diabetes eye care needs.

Creating a team approach to screening and grading

MDA in a district How do we know when to start and stop mass drug administration (MDA)? Which MDA strategy should we use in a community? And what is microplanning for MDA?



Week 4 : Action for trachoma: Face washing and the Environment

Click to see week 4 contents

Trachoma, community and environment

New borehole in Ghana.

 Engaging with partners and communities is vital to achieve environmental improvement and behavior and reduce trachoma transmission. Image: water.org CC BY-NC-SA

Working with stakeholders

Village meeting about face washing at a primary school and joined by school children

Multi-disciplinary action is required to implement water and sanitation improvements in a sustainable way. Image: WaterMission Uganda CC BY-NC-SA

Week 5: Is SAFE making a difference?


Click to see week 5 contents


What is monitoring?

Step 3 of the planning cycle - monitoring

How trachoma programme managers can check that a plan is progressing and if it has made a difference.

Monitoring for trachoma elimination

Graphic showing that baselines mapping, impact and surveillance surveys are used to monitor trachoma elimination activities

Consider the critical elements of the monitoring and evaluation system for trachoma.

Certifying elimination

How national programmes manage and document progress towards verification that trachoma has been eliminated in their country.

Course review

The LSHTM school building

Details of further learning opportunities and course acknowledgements. Image: LSHTM.

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