Helen Keller International (HKI) will be leading the implementation of Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention for Blinding Trachoma and Lymphatic Filariasis (MMPD) activities, under a five year, $35 million Cooperative Agreement with USAID. This activity will provide USAID, the Bureau for Global Health (GH), and the NTD Program with assistance to strengthen MMDP components within national NTD plans and achieve elimination goals for trachoma and lymphatic filariasis (LF), and will assist countries in planning, implementing, and monitoring the scale‐up of high‐quality treatment and care services for affected individuals.
Over the five years, the Project aims to make a significant impact on the capacity of countries to enhance MMDP efforts by supporting a stronger human resource pool, aiding access to trainings and internationally recognized best practices, and strengthening of data capture and monitoring and evaluation systems. The project will support the development of country-owned strategic plans that focus on increased quality and quantity of surgery and service provision, and support delivery of surgery and lymphedema management. A cornerstone of the project will also be the documentation of best practices and providing global leadership to the MMDP community.
In the context of this project, HKI is looking for the following, you can download the applications separately below: