LSHTM open seminar: The Trachoma Endgame, 8th December 2014
December 3, 2014

Hosted by Professor David Mabey and Professor Robin Bailey

Date: Monday 8 December 2014
Time: 12:45 pm2:00 pm
Venue: LG81 – Lucas room, LSHTM, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK
Type of event: Seminar
Speaker(s): Professor Sheila West

Increasing numbers of countries are reaching the Ultimate Intervention Goal of clinical trachoma <5% in children ages 1-9 years. Countries must then demonstrate through surveillance that this goal has been sustained. However, the best set of tools for surveillance monitoring is unclear. This seminar will present data on clinical trachoma, tests of infection with C. trachomatis, and a test for antibodies to C. trachomatis as tools for surveillance of trachoma.

Admission: Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.
