Partner Map 

This map shows where ICEH has close partners and is involved in trials and projects globally. Working collaboratively is a core value, and we aim to ensure equitable partnerships wherever we work. We engage in collaborative research and jointly design and deliver projects with our partners, working towards mutually beneficial outcomes.

The International Centre for Eye Health

ICEH is based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in London, UK

Peek Vision

Peek Vision began as a research project at ICEH before spinning out into an independent social enterprise. We continue to work very closely together. Several Peek team members are jointly affiliated with LSHTM and ICEH staff sit on Peek’s board.

Harvard University

We collaborate on research into trachoma

University of California San Francisco

We collaborate on research into trachoma 

See International

We collaborate with See International on the VISION 2020 LINKS USA project 

Johns Hopkins University

We collaborate on health economics research

Harlsbro Medical Centre

We collaborate on research and capacity strengthening for Diabetic Retinopathy

St Lucia Ministry of Health

We collaborate on research and capacity strengthening for Diabetic Retinopathy

University of São Paulo

We have worked on several publications with the University of São Paulo

Moorfields Eye Hospital & UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

We collaborate on research related to glaucoma, AI and other diseases

University of Freiburg

We collaborate on research into glaucoma

Nova University of Lisbon

We collaborate on health economics and equity research

Sheba Medical Center

We work together on retinoblastoma and ocular oncology

University of Botswana

We are collaborating with the University on refractive error trials

Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health

We work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health on trachoma research

Eyu Ethiopia

Eyu Ethiopia is an NGO working to reduce avoidable blindness and ocular disability in Ethiopia. We partner on trachoma work

Gambia National Eye Care Programme

We have collaborated on national eye care surveys

College of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa (COECSA)

We have a close relationship with COECSA, collaborating on capacity strengthening activities

Kitale Eye Unit

We have collaborated on multiple research projects and clinical trials

Ministry of Health Kenya

We collaborate on mutliple research projects

University of Nairobi

We have a longstanding relationship with the University of Nairobi, collaborating on multiple clinical trials

Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital

We have worked together on several activities including capacity strengthening

University of Abuja

We collaborate on research on the diagnosis and management of glaucoma

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital

We collaborate on research involving laser treatment for glaucoma

University of Nigeria Enugu

We collaborate on primary eye care research

University of Cape Town

We collaborate on surgical simulation training for eye care workers and on education for public health training

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

We have collaborated with KCMC for many years on multiple projects, including several clinical trials

Tumaini La Maisha (TLM)

TLM is a charity that focuses on childhood cancer in Tanzania. We are collaborating on projects related to retinoblastoma outcomes in children

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

We work together on corneal infection research

Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology

We have a close research and knowledge sharing partnership with BIO. We also collaborate on a Chinese edition of the Community Eye Health Journal

Aravind Eye Hospitals

We have worked closely with Aravaind over many years, both in research and knowledge sharing. We collaborate on work in corneal infection and clinical training

Dr Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital

We are collaborating with Dr Shroff’s hospital on projects with Peek Vision, including the I’M SEEN project

LV Prasad Eye Institute

We have collaborated with LVPEI for many years, and are currently collaborating on a clinical fellowship for ophthalmology training

Pragyaan Sustainable Health Outcomes Foundation (PRASHO)

PRASHO is a new health foundation we have close ties with. The Community Eye Health Journal South Asia edition is published by PRASHO

Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh

We collaborate with NNJS on corneal infections and research projects with Peek Vision

Fred Hollows Foundation

We collaborate with FHF on multiple research projects, including on trachoma, child eye health, health economics and human resource development

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

We work together on capacity strengthening activities and diabetic retinopathy

University of New South Wales

We collaborate with UNSW on cataract work, various research papers and systematic reviews

University of Auckland

We have close ties with UoA through equity research and other collaborations


PVRI has been partnering ICEH since the QEDJT Program in India and we are submitting joint proposals with them

Sadguru Netra Chikatsalaya

SNC is very keen on expanding work with ICEH and have shared a draft MoU with ICEH for research capacity building