The 2018 ICEH Alumni Workshop was held last week and it was a great success. I wish I could thank each one of you in person for the success of the workshop. Please enjoy the photo gallery of the week’s celebration (link below). I apologise in advance if you were not included.
Just like last year the alumni and current MSc Public Health for Eye Care students have expressed how valuable the alumni workshop is for them and this is accredited to the support and enthusiasm of everyone involved in attendance and those from afar throughout their entire MSc experience. As this is the only workshop of its kind at LSHTM we are happy to hear this.
There has been a large interest in the alumni presentations. Below is a summary of the presentations of the alumni who were in attendance at the workshop for your viewing.
On behalf of the Disability and Eye Health Group, thank you to everyone who contributing to a successful workshop and we look forward to celebrating our new alumni next year and the years to come.
Photos: Click here to view photos of the Alumni Workshop on Flickr
Each image can be downloaded by clicking on the desired image, clicking on the down arrow towards the right of the image and selecting size quality.
ICEH Alumni Presentation Summaries: 2018 Alumni Workshop – Presentation Summary